How does your HOUSE see YOU?

In renovation planning, personality matters

If you were your house looking at you, what would you see?

Before you start on a major renovation or new build, you might want to do a checklist of your personality and lifestyle so you match your home.

Here are some questions to get you started.

  • Are you outgoing? Hospitable? An entertainer? Or are you more interested in a quiet sanctuary?

  • Do you like having a homework area for children that is close to the kitchen, or do you think children should work quietly in their rooms?

  • Do you like sports? What about movies, or family movie nights? Is a home theatre a good idea?

  • Are you an outdoors person or an indoors person? Landscaped garden or cozy fireplace (or both)?

  • Do you like to cook alone, or with others? How should your kitchen function?

  • Are you committed to preserving the environment? How committed? Is Net Zero a possibility?

  • How do you like the quality of light in your life? Do you prefer lots of natural light? Large windows, sun tunnels, skylights? Great blinds?

  • Are you contemporary? Traditionalist? Minimalist? Do you like clean, sleek lines with little colour, or the warmth of wood?

  • Are you patient? Flexible? Adaptable? This will tell your renovator (and yourself) how well you will cope with some of the inevitable challenges or surprises during renovation.

  • Are you organized? Is an excellent storage system in your future?

In renovation planning, personality counts. Lifestyle counts. A realistic, down-to-earth look at you and your family can be your first guide to beautiful new spaces that suit you.