Radon is GONE

Success! No more radon here

By Paul Scissons, Ottawa Renovates Publisher

It started more than five years ago.

Awareness of Radon was being promoted by Health Canada’s Take Action on Radon.

So I did a little research. Sure enough, it turns out we live in one of the highest radon zones in the world.

I knew I should do something about it. But, like most people, I added the “something” to my list of “someday” projects with no real sense of urgency. Still, I was curious, if not yet alarmed.

And then an Ottawa Renovates client shared a personal story with us. (See “An invisible killer”). The story had tragic consequences. Now I was on true alert and the worry about radon was much higher on my list.

When we were publishing “An invisible killer”, I was introduced to Rob Mahoney of Radon Works. We met for coffee. It was good to be educated by a professional.

After that conversation I was convinced. I needed to find out if my four year old home had any issues with radon (See “Some day might be now“).

Taking Rob’s advice, I initiated what I called my mad scientist phase of collecting information and performing tests for a year. The results were interesting.

Yes, I had radon (See “Some day is today“).

My home’s radon levels were 525 Becqguerels (Bqm), well in excess of the 200 Bqm recommended by Health Canada.

Next I had Radon Works, a certified CARST company, install a remediation system.
And now I have the results from a round of tests that confirm the effectiveness of the remediation system.

I am pleased to report that the results were 15 Bqm. My home is safe.

I have to extend a word of gratitude to Rob Mahoney of Radon Works for his patience and professionalism. Everything he told me was true and my expectations have been more than exceeded. He has my 5-star recommendation. Thanks, Rob.

Now, off to my next adventure.

I’ll give you a hint: It’s about heat pumps.